Day 4 here's what i learned about linux is an operating system its an open source operating system but windows is not it is much faster than windows it was founded by linux torvalds in 1991*.*
There are several linux distributions or distros - distros are basically version of Linux operating system built on top of the linux kernel some of them are :
1. Ubuntu
2 . arch Linux
3 . parrot os
and so on
Linux is very much necessary to learn in today's world if you want to make things run faster
Some of the basic Linux Commands are as follows:
directory are basically files or folders
pwd -> print the working directory
ls -> to show list of files present in directory
ls -a ->to show hidden files
ls -r -> to show the files that are present in subdirectory as well
cat -> to concatenate or write in files
echo -> to print (it works as print() command in python)
man(command name) -> to get information about the particular command
tr a-z A-Z -> to translate words from lowercase to uppercase
tunnel/pipe -> the output of the first command will act as input for another command we use ( | ) symbol
mkdir -> make directory
rmdir -> remove directory
cd -> change directory
cd .. -> to go back to previous
mv -> move files
cp -> copy files
rm -> remove command
SUDO -> Super User Do
df -> to show the disk usage
df -h -> to show the disk usage in human understandable form
df -m -> to show disk usage in mb's
diff -> to compare difference between two files
Important :
locate -> to locate a particular file
find -> to find a particular file
find . -type d -> to find particular type of directory
find . -type -name -> to find particular type of file by using name
find . -type -iname -> to find particular type of file using name (but its case insensitive)
find . -type f -mmin -15 -> to find particular type of file which has been updated 15 min ago
find . -empty -> to check any file is empty
There are basically three types of permissions
-> Read
-> Write
shortcut command -> {rwx} r- read, w-write, x-execute
chmod -> to change the permissions we use chmod and it can be set as chmod 777 where each permission should conatin total of 7 . read take 4 write takes 2 and execute takes 1 total is 4+2+1 = 7
whoami -> check name of user
chown -> change owner
GREP (Global regular expression print) -> its used to search wheter a particular word is written in a given file or not . its case sensititve
history -> to show all the history of commands we have executed
alias -> we can use this command to make shortcuts for our ease of use
Terminal Shortcuts:
ctrl+a -> to move the cursor to start
ctrl+e ->ro move the cursor to end
ctrl+k -> remove everything after cursor pointer
!(Number) -> to run from history command
ctrl+l -> clear the console
; -> to add multiple commands in same line
ping -> to see the connectivity status
wget {url} -> give url of the file you want to download
wget -o {url} -> to download a particular pdf
top -> to see what all are running
kill -> to kill that process
uname -> to get the os name
zip -> zipping a file
unzip -> unzipping a file
hostname -i -> to get the ip-address
nslookup -> to check ip-address of particular domain
ps -> to get the process id
ls of -> list of all open files
vmstat -> stats of virtual memory
Learning Linux commands has been both challenging and rewarding.If you’re looking to boost your tech skills and understanding of system operations, diving into Linux is definitely worth it!